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<allpages gapcontinue="Recruitment" />
<page pageid="912" ns="0" title="Record-History">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{{ Core Human Resources: Record History - Subscribe-HR Wiki}}
{{page.head: Record History}}
=Record History=
Record History is a log of modifications made in the System data.
==Record History Defined==
Once activated (see below), the Record History will store information about <i>When</i>, <i>Who</i> and <i>What</i> made the data modiciations in the system.
To see the Record History on a screen, find the <b>Full Change History</b> field at the bottom of the screen and click on the <b><u>Show</u></b> link to display the History (if any). To not show the History, simply click on the <b><u>Hide</u></b> link.
To change the default Display Order, simply click on the Heading you wish to sort by.
==Activating Record History==
# After logging into the Subscribe-HR HCM Platform, select "MAINTENANCE" from the left hand navigation.
# Select <b>Groups</b>.
# You should see a list of <b>Group Names</b>. These are the existing Security Groups.
# Select the <b>Security Group</b> you wish to modify.
# Next select <b>Permissions</b> from the left side menu.
# From the <b>Tools</b> Selector, tick in the <b>Record History</b> checkbox to enable Record History.
# Click <b>Save</b> Action Button to save the settings.
Now screens which save the Record Change History will have field <b>Full Change History</b> Link at the bottom of the screen.
==Record History Fields Explained==
All of the following fields are Display Only.
<table border="1" width="100%" id="table1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="222"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Field Name</font></b></td>
<td width="1223"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Description</font></b></td>
<td width="222">Date </td>
<td width="1223">System Date and Time of the modification.</td>
<td width="222">User Name</td>
<td width="1223">User Name of the person logged on when modification was performed.</td>
<td width="222">Field Name</td>
<td width="1223">Specifies the name of the Field modified.</td>
<td width="222">Type</td>
<td width="1223">Type of modification performed:
* Changed
* Set
* Unset</td>
<td width="222">Changed From</td>
<td width="1223">Shows the first 26 chracters of the fields <b>Original</b> data.</td>
<td width="222">Changed To</td>
<td width="1223">Shows the first 26 chracters of the fields <b>New modified</b> data.</td>
<page pageid="363" ns="0" title="Recruiters-adding-new-recruiters">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{{ Recruitment Module: Adding New Recruiters to Subscribe-HR - Subscribe-HR Wiki}}
{{page.head: New Recruiters}}
==Adding New Recruiters==
By creating recruiters in the system you are able to assign these recruiters
as your default interview panel for the vacancy.
===Creating Recruiters===
# After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the <b>Recruitment</b> TAB.
# Select the <b>Recruiter</b> folder.
# You will see a list of Recruiters, if you do not then no recruiters have been setup in the system yet.
# Select the <b>[Add New Record]</b> button.
# Fill in the fields.
# Select the <b>Save</b> button.
<b>Mandatory fields are marked in bold, the question will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.</b>
===Recruiter fields explained===
<table border="1" width="700px" id="table3" cellspacing="0">
<td width="206"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Field Name</font></b></td>
<td width="484"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">Description</font></b></td>
<td width="206">Type</td>
<td width="484">Select the recruiter type.</td>
<td width="206">First Name</td>
<td width="484">Recruiters first name</td>
<td width="206">Surname</td>
<td width="484">Recruiters surname</td>
<td width="206">Email</td>
<td width="484">Recruiters email address</td>
<td width="206">Phone</td>
<td width="484">Recruiters phone number</td>
<td width="206">Mobile</td>
<td width="484">Recruiters mobile</td>
<td width="206">Recruitment Agency</td>
<td width="484">Select the recruitment agency name. This field
only appears if the Type is set to Agency.</td>